The Nazi-fication of America? FedGov Can Surely Do What It Wants
June 28, 2012
There will be much written about the US Supreme Court’s decision not to overturn major portions of the “Obamacare” health care bill, but in reality it simply recognizes the obvious: the US Fedgov can pretty much do what it likes.
In a direct and cogent analysis posted on Infowars, Kurt Nimmo cuts to the heart of the issue, as follows:
Today’s ruling is important because it is the first time in history that the federal government has required citizens enter into contract with private corporations to buy a product or service. It also represents one of the most egregious violations of the Constitution in American history.
Nimmo is “telling it like it is” … and giving us a larger context for this decision, and its anti-freedom impacts. In fact, this sort of authoritarianism has been building for some time.
The Constitution is often presented as freedom’s bulwark, but history seems to show it’s been pretty much of a dead letter since the Civil War, if not earlier. US patriots don’t like to hear that, of course. Put it in blunter terms: Individual freedom, such as it is, has been eroding since the Founders put pen to paper.
There are plenty of questions about the status of the United States and the secret societies that swarmed about its initial composition. There are questions about the ultimate allegiances of such “founders” as Alexander Hamilton, who may have been an agent of the European Banks and their New York counterparts.
The creeping authoritarianism of the first 100 years of the Republic was just a warm-up. The massacres of “Native Americans” and then advent of the Civil War shows us clearly how quickly the US government turned on its citizens – probably at the behest of ancient, overseas banking powers in London’s City.
- A d v e r t i s e m e n t
It’s gone from bad to worse since then. The late 1800s saw surges of increasingly centralized stock exchange speculation – and the gradual creation of what is today a corporate state. Corporations themselves were given additional artificial powers by the Supreme Court of the day, laying the groundwork for the current troubles.
The creation of the Federal Reserve and the imposition of the income tax were among the final elements of authoritarian rule. Henceforth, Fedgov would hand-in-glove with private bankers to illegally print money and via the income tax would be empowered to know everything about its citizens finances and investments.
Of course, while the US was implementing these freedom-eroding facilities, Europe was growing worse too. This is no surprise. The same global elites that are behind the perversions of freedom in the US and the West generally helped fund the rise of Hitler’s Germany.
There are not many popularly disseminated studies of pre-war Germany’s economy, but that’s probably for a reason. AXIS nations (Germany, Italy, etc.) generally created command-and-control nation-states that were based on mercantilism, a conflation of private enterprise with government power. Sound familiar? The West is not there yet, but it’s getting there in a hurry.
In Nazi German for instance, Adolf Hitler himself reportedly decided how much money was to be printed. Hitler’s friends and enablers grew rich first – as Hitler and those around him decided on those goals and printed the money to fund them. Businesses prospered or did not depending on their value to the “state’s” goals and objectives.
People in Western democracies may not fully understand that while the AXIS was defeated, its political economy was a good deal closer to what modern elites desire for the West. The Supreme Court decision merely brings this state-of-affairs a little bit closer.
It can surely be said that national socialist-oriented “corporatism” is the defining feature of most Western states in the 21st century. Vast enterprises underpinned by state privileges have been erected and expanded. This is especially true where the military-industrial complex is concerned.
The Pentagon, for instance, has long-operated under the idea that its “suppliers” are necessary to the safety of the state and are to be protected and funded in ways that undermine any semblance of a market economy.
The same can be said for a handful of large financial firms that disseminate Federal Reserve fiat money. It has come to be an accepted occurrence within the halls of power that money center banks and other “too big to fail” enterprises must be kept afloat. Seen from this view, the Supreme Court decision is a public ratification of a de facto policy. It is only helping to midwife a full-blown version of this system.
The European Union is based on a version of the AXIS political economy and the US, increasingly, as well. While communism has always been held up as a Western bogeyman by the mainstream media, it is actually a kind of fascism that is being created before our weary eyes – first nationally and then globally.
Yes, if “they” have their way, the future of the world is to be one of fascism led by a handful of global elites who apparently fancy themselves as a kind of aggregate living godhead. No wonder the Supremes verdict turned out as it did.
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