Attorney at Law
Attorney in fact
What is
the difference between an attorney at law and an attorney if fact? The
difference is paramount. Most people when they go to court, especially
in criminal cases, hire an attorney at law to represent them and to
protect their rights whether they be civil, constitutional, common law
or divine rights. But what happens when you go to court with an attorney
at law? The statistics show that when you walk into court with an
attorney at law and you are a defendant in the case and the state or the
federal government is prosecuting, then you only have a 3% chance of
winning your case if it is federal and a 6% change of winning if it is
state? WHY? Because 97% of the time in federal cases and 94% of the time
in state cases you will be forced into pleading guilty. Not by the
state or federal government but by the attorney you hired! What most
people don't realize nor understand is that the attorney at law works
for the BAR (British Accreditation Regency) therefore they are foreign
agents of the foreign court system to extort money from the American
people under the disguise of an American legal system. Make no mistake
about it they are there to make money and not to execute law and
justice. They are shysters, con artists, liar and not lawyers because
lawyers follow the law! The attorney at law is a member of the BAR
association and must do as they are told to stay in the good graces of
the BAR association and the judges even if it means sending innocent
people to prison. There are a few and we do mean few attorneys at law
that honestly want to help the people but they are harder to come by in
these times. Now an attorney in fact is one who has the true power of
attorney to represent you and your interest without any allegiances to
the court or BAR association but to you the citizen. Where as an
attorney at law needs to procure judicial authorization to act, the
attorney in fact need no such approval and does not have the
restrictions to properly represent you that an attorney at law have.
Tennessee Code Annotated 34-6-109 outlines the powers of the attorney in
fact and everything that the attorney in fact does is for your best
interest and not courts or the state. It is very evident and clear that
an attorney in fact can be trusted and an attorney at law cannot. Most
attorneys at law will perpetuate the lie that you need a license to
"practice law" but the Supreme Court has ruled differently. Schware vs.
Board of Examiners, United States Report 353 US pages 238, 239 it
states,"The practice of law cannot be licensed by any state." Sims vs.
Aherns, 271 SW 720 (1925) states, "The practice of law is an occupation
of common right." We emphatically declare that our attorneys in fact
don't practice law. In fact we perfect the law.
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