Saturday, July 13, 2013

Racist Bastards,, in government.

     This is true, researched and suits were filed against Dollar General & BMW in June of this year.......
                      The Obama Jobs Plan: Hire Black Criminals
July 4, 2013
Hello, I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty. Happy Fourth of July, everyone. God bless America. The question is: Will there still be an America, or capitalism, after President Barack Obama is through with his second term?
It sure doesn’t look good to me. We have no money for fireworks displays at military bases across America and no money for patriotic fly-overs at military academy graduation ceremonies. We are letting down our heroes, the people who sacrifice selflessly for us.
But there was $100 million for Obama’s trip to visit Africa, and Obama has now pledged $7 billion to double electricity access in Africa. This has to be a comedy skit, right? This must be a nightmare. It can’t be for real, right? Seven billion dollars for African electricity, while he kills the coal industry so average, middle-class Americans won’t be able to afford our own electric bills? What about our $17 trillion debt in America, our trillion-dollar deficit, our disgraceful failing public schools or our aging and decrepit infrastructure?
And Obama also has billions of dollars in aid as well as military aid for the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and the Palestinians? Even the protesters in Tahir Square in Cairo are accusing Obama of propping up the Muslim Brotherhood. Are you kidding me? Something is deep-down deadly wrong, folks. This man is destroying our country and our economy. He is killing the middle class. He is making a mockery of American values across the globe.
But don’t take my word for it. Let me give you perhaps the perfect example. Everything I just mentioned is child’s play compared to Obama’s newest directive. Now, Obama has truly gone off the deep end. He’s thrown off his cloak to show the “S” on his chest, standing for social justice. Obama has just decided to kick the U.S. economy while it’s down.
What’s Obama’s latest brainstorm? Force businesses to hire criminals — and not just any criminals. Obama wants black criminals to step to the front of the employment line. If only I were joking.
Obama’s Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is charging the automaker BMW and the national retailer Dollar General with racism, discrimination and violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act for using criminal background checks before hiring employees.
How can this be? Don’t companies have a right to check backgrounds before hiring employees that represent them? Don’t companies have a right not to hire convicted criminals? Not anymore. Not in Obama’s America. At least, not if the criminal is black.
The Obama government’s logic is frightening. The EEOC argues that because blacks are more likely to have been convicted of a crime, doing a criminal check discriminates against blacks. So when you won’t hire an applicant because of his criminal record you are… wait for it… yes, a racist.
Seriously, folks. This is happening in the United States of America. If the courts hold for Obama, this will be the final body blow to job creation, economic freedom and the U.S. economy.
But let’s set that aside for a moment and think what this does to your own civil rights.
When you hand your credit card to the clerk in a store, wouldn’t you like to know he isn’t a convicted identity thief? When you walk into an empty home for sale, wouldn’t you like to know if the realtor is a murderer? When your wife goes for a massage, wouldn’t you like to know the masseuse isn’t a convicted rapist? Or, worse yet, when your child goes to school, child care or an after-school program, wouldn’t you like to know the person you’re leaving your child with isn’t a convicted predator, sexual abuser or pornographer? If Obama gets his way, there will be no way of knowing, certainly not if the employee is black.
Well, according to the Obama Administration, if you ask those questions of a black job applicant, you are a racist and committing a crime yourself.
How can anyone run a business not knowing if the people he hires to deal with customers might be convicted rapists, thieves or murderers? Employees are the public face of your business. They represent your brand. They are your thin blue line, your eyes, ears and face to your customers. And don’t think you won’t be sued if one of your employees commits a criminal act against one of your customers.
How bad can this get? Well, the EEOC not only wants to ban background checks for black Americans, it wants the 70 black job applicants who BMW refused to hire because of criminal records to now be hired and given back pay and legal costs. On the other hand, the white applicants who were rejected don’t have to be hired. Obama’s EEOC argues it’s fair to do criminal background checks on whites.
You couldn’t make this up in a fictional novel without being laughed at. You couldn’t put this in a “Saturday Night Live” skit. The critics would call you ridiculous. Yet it’s happening in real life under Obama.
So, what choices does a businessman have if the Obama government wins its case? First, companies will cut back hiring as much as possible. But if you are a business owner in this hostile Obama workplace environment, you’ve probably already done that.
Second, if you do start a new business, you’ll be looking at a business model that require no employees or very few employees.
Third, you might decide to close your current business. It just isn’t worth it under Obama to take big financial risks, when government makes it this dangerous, difficult and unappealing.
Fourth, if you do need to hire employees, since you have to follow the law, companies will find some unrelated reason not to hire the applicant on whom they are legally unable to conduct a background check. Talk about “unintended consequences.” Young black men, say goodbye to jobs.
So who here is destroying the U.S. economy and who here is the racist? Is it the employer who is color blind and hires on ability and character (after seeing the results of background checks) or Obama, whose policies force employers to either stop hiring, slow hiring or hire as few black applicants as possible?
Obama proves every day that you can’t run an economy based on equality, social justice and retribution.
Somewhere out there in cyberspace, some liberal wacko extremist will accuse me of being a racist for daring to talk about race. Just remember that all I’ve done here is describe Obama’s jobs policy. These are all his words. He is suing employers to stop background checks on one specific group: black Americans. He is the one saying that blacks have much higher levels of criminal records. He is the one demanding black criminals be hired. He is the one saying in court filings that background checks on whites are perfectly fine.
Oh, and remember one other thing. The true definition of a racist is: anyone who’s winning a debate with an Obama supporter.
I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty. Happy Independence Day. Let’s all pray for independence soon from Obama. See you next week. Same time, same place. God bless.

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